Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dinner at the Burj

Matt: Well no prizes for guessing what this post is going to be about!! Yes Kelly and I went to the Burj Al Arab, as depicted on the right there!! It's an amazing 7 Star hotel on a man-made island in Dubai. It's a really over the top place, where you can tell you pay for what you get. The decoration is so over the top it's almost tasteful (almost), Water fountains dance a merry dance throughout the foyer and the atrium stretches out of site above you!

We ate in the Ballroom on the top floor which provided us a great view of Dubai by night, It was a really clear evening, so you could see the lights of Dubai dwindling into the distance.

So I guess you want proof huh? A few pictures might help.

Honest!! We're in the Burj

Kelly by one of the fountains

Matt in the foyer, in front of one of the huge aquariums

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Just the Biz.

Matt: A little news for you all, Ju and Tim have booked to come out and visit us, which is great news! We are both really looking forward to their visit. So now the rest of you have to follow suit!!! It's a great holiday and the added bonus of getting to see us!

Secondly, I've been putting together another website - just a little portal where I can show a few bits of work etc. Go take a look at www.mattwilson.biz and come back here to tell me what you think. It's very much a work in progress at the moment.

till next time.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Well that's a write-off

Matt: Hello All, Today is a good day! Why? beause I'm here typing to you all!! Kelly and I were involved in an accident yesterday - our car was written off as were 3 others. We are both fine, thankfully!!! It happen just around the corner from home, some guy ploughed into the back of us at one hell of a speed, buckling the rear of our car to the back passenger side door, I pulled the car left to narrowly avoid smashing into the car in front, but The guy that hit us did so at such a speed, he continued on down the side of our car to rearend the 2 cars in front of us. It was a mess!! We were both a bit shaken but other than that were ok!! We were on the side of the road for hours, waiting for police and recovery vehicles. I'm greatful to be hiring a car, because they were great, the came and took the wreck away and gace us a new car, we just had to hand over our copy of the police report and that should be the last we hear of it.
We both have a few aches this morning. But nothing to worry about!!

To top all the Kelly is feeling a bit run down and is suffering a cold... poor poppet!! Don't worry I've got my nurse outfit on as we speak!!

Hope everyone is well!!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Crane

Matt: That what it was that I left behind!! Kelly!! Damn I can be so stooopid sometimes!! Actually she got the chance to enter a big karaoke competition and we all know how much she loves to sing! She won a local competition and they invited her down to Portsmouth to enter the big Final!! And guess what?? She came joint first, Well Done that girl!
I'm so proud...

I went to see the Black Eyed Pes in concert earlier in the week, which was good fun! They were entertaining and played a pretty good show, The venue wasn't brilliant and it took 1 hour 20 minutes to get out of the damn car park at the end!! Ho hum!!! No Fun!!

I very pleased to have Kelly home again now, back to Dubai safe and sound. Even if she is a little tired! She stayed in bed till nearly midday! Jo, watch out, she's after your sleeping queen title!! x

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Home from Home

Matt: I've returned home to Dubai after our little trip home.. ? Can you have 2 homes?? anyway!! We had a good break, if not a little busy, I don't think I stopped long the whole time I was home!

It was really good to see everyone, and it was especially nice to meet my new nephew, Kalani Jack. He was a real cutey. Clearly he takes after his Uncle! Ok ok - he looks nothing like me!!
Claire and Brian are really stoked, you can see it in them. Ok so it could be sleep deprivation that give them that look, but they seem really chuffed!!

What's the collective term for nieces and nephews?? cause here are mine :)

Well it's good to be home, but I'm sure I left something in England!! hmmmm what was it!! *looks around and scratches his head*.... I'm sure it will come to me!!