Sunday, September 28, 2008

Official Complaints

Matt: I have received my first official complaint regarding the blog..but oddly it's a positive thing. Lenny wants more updates and thinks I've been slacking a lot recently! He's right, only 11 posts this year (12 including this one) so far compared to 41 last year and 65 the year before that!

So without further delay I'm gonna start posting again! Sorry! :) Beside the good weather is coming our way and there will be a lot more to post about! I'm sure you don't wanna hear about every trip to Ski Dubai or the desert, so will post the exciting bits!!

Here's to the beginning (Again!) Lenny!

I'm honoured! Yep I was humbled at the weekend when asked by John and Morwenna (Lenny and Megg), if I'd be an usher at their wedding next year (no i'm not singing RnB songs for the evening do, not that Usher ), of course I said yes and was flattered that they asked.
I met this pair of yung'uns 3 years ago when we all went and camped on a beach in Musandam and we've been great friends ever since. I've dragged Lenny out on many crazy adventures and even got Megg to come on a couple of gentler ones!

So I just wanna say thanks guys, it really means a lot to me. I look forward to it even more now!