Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The man who can't be moved

Matt: Summer is truly upon us here in Dubai. Ok I don't want to make those of you in the UK feel bad because you've had a poor show of sun this year (again) but the sun really is here in the Middle-East, The temperature is over 40 degrees on a daily basis now, frequently reaching 45+ - that might sound just what you need but it's pretty unbearable, especially when you're not going out to try to enjoy it! The humidity in the evening is crazy - there is no getting used to it. There is no sitting outside of an evening and as we're working during the day you wanna be cool. Ok, I'm not looking for sympathy here, just letting you know :) Take yesterday for instance,it was a good and bad day.. I had to struggle into a suit, shirt and tie, not done that for a few months, and then step out of the front door, scortchio.. but it was worth it, I had a meeting with a member of the Saudi Royal family, can't say more than that at this stage. But please keep everything crossed for me that the business comes off.

Business is as usual other than that. Masses of building going on in the city of splendors, road works everywhere all in the name of progress. I do feel like a grumpy old man sometime, i have to stop and laugh at myself - "I don't know why they are bothering, it was fine the way it was and it will never work" grumble grumble.. embrace change Matt, embrace it!! :)

Exercise? ok, so I wanna get fitter. Some crazy girl has asked if I would do a marathon with her, never in my life have I wanted to do a Marathon and quite frankly I still don't. But I would like to have done one.. there is a subtle difference! a tick in the box. I have an issue though, shin-splints, shouldn't really run - which makes completing a Marathon tricky.. So any Sport therapist out there that wanna offer some sound advice - i'm willing to listen! I do still run on occasions, but running on a treadmill makes me feel slightly insane and the outdoor surfaces round here are harsh on the old shins. slowly slowy i think.. with rest and massage!

I'll keep you posted! :)