Tuesday, July 24, 2007

you've got me climbing the walls

Matt: and what fun it was too. We hit Wafi City's Pharaohs club this weekend, JQ, Celine, Fiona and I, for a little on the wall action. They have a 50 foot indoor climbing wall, with a number of different climbs varying in difficulty as well as a bouldering section.
JQ turns up with all his own gear, harness, boots even chalk, show off - there's me in shorts and a t-shirt with the worst pair of trainers I could have chosen, they looked good but turns out, as they are running trainings the tread ran in completely the wrong direction giving no grip whatsoever.. Soon ditched them and climbed barefoot.

It's great exercise and after a few climbs your forearms really start to feel it. Fiona did well to conquer her fear of heights, it is pretty scary getting up near the top and realising you're only supporting your own weight on small hand and foot holds.

When I first arrived I was a little nervous as the instructor, a nice Filipino lady, was about 5 foot and couldn't have weighed more than 40kgs and this was who was going to be belaying me? I swear, had I fallen she would have hit the roof, literally! But thankfully as I approached to have my turn, she tethered herself to an anchor point at the base of another wall.. Phew!!

We progressed through a selection of climbs which grew increasingly difficult, not solely due to their technical nature, but you have the added disadvantage that you are getting weaker by the minute, clinging to even the largest grips became a struggle after a few climbs. It was really good fun though and we'll certainly try and make it a regular activity!!

Balderdash!?!? in the wrong footwear..

Fiona triumphs

JQ makes it look easy..
Only the red and yellow? You're kidding right?

Note: Chief Photographer and Crash-Mat loafer, Celine Parle!! a valuable role..

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Matt: A fab weekend has passed us by again, This one saw a great birthday celebration for the lovely Pinaz at Spice Island. It's actually her Birthday today(15th) but she is winging her way to London as we speak.
Happy Birthday Pinaz. Above photo: Scott, Pinaz and Myself.

We also had a good go at Golf and had a lot of fun. Naomi, Fiona, Scott and I went for a round on the par 3, which in this heat is currently my limit. I think we are all improving considerably, I can almost make contact with the ball every time now! Just gotta focus on getting it off the ground and in the right direction now!

Tiger better watch out...

OK a complaint!! What is it with Golf dress code? It's nut and makes no sense at all. Once I was told wear a collared shirt, so I did!! but alas it had buttons all the way down, Bad in the world of golf apparently!! "too many buttons sir!" Grrr So next time I wear a collared t-shirt ya know the fashion kind, slightly open necked (akin to the one I'm wearing in the top photo with Scott and Pinz). No No..BAD!! " No buttons sir, must have buttons!!" For the love of ... Too many buttons, not enough buttons. what the?? So I have bought myself a couple of polo shirts - daggy fashion styleee.. what I don't get is they never even mentioned the fact that on both occasions I was wearing combat style camo pattern shorts - not exactly the smartest shorts in the world - redic!!! It puts normal people off playing golf with this elitist attitude.. Still give me a few months and I'll manage to perfect the attitude I'm sure "How dare they allow such rabble onto my golf course"... *sigh*

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Matt vs The Deep Blue

Matt: So I conquered the oppressive deep blue this weekend. I completed my PADI Open Water training course allowing me to Scuba dive pretty much anywhere in the world up to 18 Metres deep. What a great weekend it was too.

This weekend was the climax of several weeks of training in the pool and classroom lectures. We did 4 sea dives over on the east coast, staying at the Sandy Beach Hotel. It was a great experiences and I highly recommend it, Jumping of a boat and the following the anchor-line down to the bottom of the ocean is pretty thrilling, especially when you first submerge and all you can see is blackness below..

Thinking back it's very surreal, almost like it wasn't or couldn't have been real - but it was.. fining along a coral covered rock face with a multitude of brightly coloured fish all around is a great feeling.

Naomi and Mari-Ann came along for a pleasure dive or 2, now we can start to plan diving holidays! Great!! :)