Friday, March 31, 2006

Mixed Emotions

Matt: Today is a sad day and a happy day, Amanda, a great & true friend, leaves Dubai to make a new life back in England! She has been a real inspiration and a great support since I've been here and will be a friend for life. I'm gonna miss not having her around but I wish her all the luck and love in the world back in the green and pleasant land! I love you lots AD..

On the Happy note, I'm off to France to try my hand at Snowboarding on the real slopes!! Can't wait... flying out tonight at 3am so I'll catch up with you all in a week.. be safe..

Monday, March 27, 2006


Matt: This weekend proved to be an eventful one, even if its outcome wasn't the best!!

A few of us took a trip into the desert, giving me my first experience of driving in the dunes myself. There were 2 Jeep Wranglers, and 3 Motorcross bikes, The plan was to drive to fossil rock have a bar-b and then return.
The first hour went smoothly, Amanda and I were in one Jeep and took turns driving, it was great fun. We laughed a lot! Bounching over dunes, sliding in the sand..But then disater stuck!!

One of the Bike riders came over the top of a dune, caught his front wheel in the sand and was sent over the top of the bike.. the bike flu over him and continued on down the dune for 20 yards or so. The rider, Christian, landed badly and ended up in a bush. he was in a lot of pain -and it soon became clear that getting him to hospital was a priority. The sun was blazing, the sand blowing about us, we couldn't keep him there for long.

Off went 1 Jeep - full, Christain lying out in the front seat. Jeep 2, went completely full - with one person perched on top of all the cool boxes and bar-b stuff. Leaving 3 Bike and 3 Guys.. Me being one of them!! Never ridden a Motorbike before I have a quick lesson!! Now I pepare to not only ride a bike for the first time - but through rolling dunes and sand!!

But it wasn't to be, the bike turned out to be damaged and not rideable safely! That left one choice...For the others to go and get one of the Jeeps and a trailer.
Leaving me in the desert, miles from anywhere, the wind blowing furiously, sand scouring me, no shade and a bit of water!! It was a odd experience, nothing to see but sand, small desert creatures and insects...I felt pretty safe knowing that the guys would be back

I was resued from 2 hours later. We got the bike and me safely back to civilization. At the hospital, it turns out, Christian has broken a bone in his wrist and fractured a supporting bone in his back. A month off work and 3 month till fully healed!!

The Next day was work (again) and the Dubai World Cup.. the richest horse meet in the world...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Busy Busy

Matt: It's been a hectic week at work, in fact I in haven't had a day off, the weekend has been and gone, plus I've been working late every night!! Fun - NOT!

Still, I did go camping on the beach the other night, which was fun, sadly I had to get up early to go to work the next morning and when you don't get to bed till 3.30, sleep on the sand and then wake up at 5.30 and have to go home to get ready for work - it isn't ideal!! and you tend to feel a little tired!! lol
We cooked steaks and ribs on the bar-b, had an wood fire going and sat around drinking and chatting till the small hours. It's great to be able to do that! I recommend it if you come out to visit!! 4x4 Required..

It's been a warm day, but now the wind is picking up and we have a shamal on our hands (wind that carries a sandstorm across the desert)! where ever you look it's like a thin yellow fog has settled, sand and dust are being blown into your eyes and if you step outside for too long - you feel you're being exfoliated!! So the car will need a damn good clean again!! Arrgh!!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Dubai, Desert, Duning and Dinner

Matt: Obviously there was a lot more to it than that, but my friend Lesley has just be out for a weeks Holiday and we had a fabulous time!! It's amazing what you can cram into 7 days!!!

Here are a few Pictures for your perusal.