Saturday, December 30, 2006

Hiking in Oman

Matt: The weather was perfect and we felt the need to get out an make the most of it, So Naomi and I decided a hike was the order of the day! Flicking through the pages of our UAE Off-road Explorer we decided to attempt "The Hanging Gardens" just across the border of Oman. After cramming the cool box with water, camel packs, provisions and ice, we slung all in the Paj, donned our hiking boots and hit the road.

Only 1.5 hours and we were at the Omani border post in Al Ain, a little paper work and 20 dirhams and we're through, this is where the fun begins. We're driving along an open road through arid terrain, remote with a background of a high escarpment, knowing the imposing cliff were our destination, but having to find an elusive off-road track to get there. The track was suppose to be obvious, but since a 4 deep trench had been dug all along the roadside, finding it was proving tricky and if we did find it, getting across the trench was the next challenge. Well, we eventually found a point to cross the trench and backtracked across a rugged landscape in an attempt to find the track we were hoping for. The satellite image in our Explorer showed we had to be north of a mountain ridge-line - guessing the the ridge depicted was the one we were currently south of we headed north, circumventing the impassible and started heading inland in the hope that we were on a parallel route to the desired track.
I spotted a deep cleft in the silhouette of the escarpment shaped like a 'V' there was mention of this in our guide, so we crawled on in the hope to find our track. Well we found tracks, but had no real way of knowing if they were right or wrong, we just continued following over the rough terrain, through dry river beds and over rocky verges toward the 'V'.. eventually we were given hope as another landmark was spotted, high up the steep scree slope, nestled at the base of the cliff, I spotted the dark recess of a cave, this was part of our intended route. We headed down a very rocky track and parked near the base of the scree slope in deep valley of rock, we a weak stream running through it. This was it.. the beginning of the hike.
The rest was an exhilarating walk, climb, jump, scramble through the impressive vista of the Omani Fossil Valley. With never an even footing we scaled massive scree slopes, huge rocks and into deep ravines. The valley was like something from a old Star Trek episode depicting a hot, harsh alien landscape. Enjoy the pics...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Sky Surprise

Matt: So I'm driving out of the mall of the Emirates today and my eyes are drawn skywards... There above me not 100 feet away is a hotair balloon drifting by, the horizon was littered with them. So knowing that I have my camera in the car, as i always try to, I head off road and start snapping, then pursue the flight path of the swarm to get shots from different angles. It was great fun following in my 4x4, stopping in the sand and pitching the tripod on the roof of the car. Here are a few shots from the collection:

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Merry Christmas

Matt: Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas from Dubai!

This is my first Christmas away from the Uk and Family, so it does all seem a bit wierd. Christmas trees in the desert?

See what I mean? Still We did go to the beach on Christmas morning to make the most of the sun. Then we had a fun day with friends, A beautifully prepared Xmas dinner was presented to us by Cath and her little helpers, Thanks Cath - Was just like home! Then we played games and enjoyed the rest of the day. Thanks to Scott and Cath for hosting an excellent Christmas away from home!! :)

Naomi and I on the beach on Christmas Day '06

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ultimate Success

Matt: Last weekend saw the first ever Ultimate Frisbee Tournament held in Dubai and I was there taking part. It was organised by Scott Herrington of the American School Dubai and held at the school. All in the aid of charity we managed to get 8 teams together to compete for the trophy. Competition aside, it was a great day with bouncy castles and face painting for the kids, the gym was open for basketball and table tennis, a raffle, food and drink - all a great success. Congratulations to the CAE Team for winning the day, thanks to everyone who came down to support, play and enjoy the day.

Well done to Ash, Lenny, JQ for stepping up and playing hard.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Going it alone...

Well an opportunity has arisen that I must take, the time has come for me to make a go of things on my own, I'm starting out as a freelance designer, with a mind to develop, in time, to a design agency here in Dubai!!

It's a massive leap of faith and I only hope I have the dedication and vision to make it work. It's a very scary prospect not knowing where the next pay cheque is coming from but with some hard graft, focused development and constant self marketing - I could make it!

I'm going to need all your support, morally, to help me achieve my goals.. and if anyone know of companies that are looking for a good designer for freelance and commissioned work - please pass on my details!!

I will be developing a website at when I have the time, currently there is just a holding page there.

Wish me luck!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Birthday Boy Len

Matt: Just wanted to wish my good buddy, Jonathan a very happy birthday!! We had a party on Friday night in the Springs, Morwenna was the perfect hostess and I know she spent a long time preparing not only the food (she was slaving in the kitchen most of the night) but also the venue!! They had their garden done especially in time for the occasion and it looked fabulous. Ok this is Dubai and they had a few issues getting it completed - and even after the party apparently there are a few things that need fixing - but to us it looked great!

Was a really nice party and lots of nice people were there. All the best Leny!!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Surfs brightest whites

Matt: Hit the surf again today, boy I've never seen waves like it here in Dubai. They must have been 6 feet or more which made paddling out a real struggle. It was all a bit too much for my meager surfing experience.

I was paddling out towards the back of the big rollers, where a crew of boarders sat bobbing like fishing floats in the waves, a rideable wave starts to build momentum coming towards me, not being in a place to attempt it, I continue to paddle, preparing to duck into the break, a few of the bobbers turn and franticly start to paddle to catch this bad boy. One of the surfers was too close to me and came straight for me, realising he had no where to go he bailed.. his board however didn't. Now bare in mind I was lying on my board feet hanging over the back end, his board hit, the fins cutting deep into my tail, missing my ankle my millimeters. Could have smarted a bit....

Friday, November 17, 2006

Paint, Gun, Fun, Party

Matt: Well it's currently 2:20 am. I've just got home and I'm about to head to bed at the end of a great day!!

Last night we hit Blush. a new club here in Dubai, with guest DJ's "The Soul Avengers" all the way from the UK. Good and funny night.. Dancing till 3.00am. I think we broke Ramie and Doina as they didn't even surface untll 14:20 today!!

My day was taken up with a little work in the mornig, a little lying by the pool in the afternoon and then the fun began!! Paintballing in Dubai is not like skulking through the woods of the UK.. It's a down and dirty gun fight, with sparse cover and harsh enemies. But we had a lot of Fun. Johnathon, Sami and I shot, got shot and ran around like idiots!! Sami " Trigger Happy" Sadok went through 500 Bullets - I being a more tactical and sneaky player managed to only shoot when I had a clear shot!! Hiding in bushes, running through open fire-zones.. we were like kids again!! Most Fun!

Then we celebrated with Cherine, it was her birthday and boy does she know how to through a party - when the caterers turn up carrying a metre wide cooking pan with a whole lamb inside - you know the food was not scrimped on!! Great!!

As we left Ramie decided that we were awfully close to a seedy joint called the York Bar - Oh My Gawd!!! Well lets just say it makes you appreciate that you don't have to go there.. Sami and Ramie have never be clung to so tightly by Doina and Vanda..

Look at those forced smiles from the Ladies.

Well this is me signing off.. Matt Wilson, Dubai - Goodnight world..Hold tight to the one you love!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Cycle Confusion

Ok so it struck me the other day that some things just don't make any sense!! Bear with me...

The word 'Bike' is an informal shortening of the word 'Bicycle' breaking this down we have 'bi' from Latin, a combining form meaning 'twice' or 'two' and 'cycle' which is an evolution of the Latin 'cyclus' meaning wheel or disk. so in short two-wheels!! Ok - with me so far? Now throw into the mix 'Quad' a short form for 'quadrant' from the Latin 'quadrans' meaning four or fourth part.

So on reflection I went "four-two-wheeling" at the weekend - is that 4+2 so six wheeling? or 4x2 so eight wheeling?!!?!?$ See? Confused!!! We hit the Dunes of Hatta Quad Biking at the weekend - we had a great time and just about managed to stay on the whole time. Ok there were times when I took off over jumps that almost jettisoned me off, but only almost!! There is even movie proof (keep that to yourself thank you Sami)...

Our Ride: Lenny, Sami, Fiona - Team Desert Storm

Our Arena: Rolling Dunes in the desert of Hatta

Our Transport Home: Fiona's new Toy!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Jessy Boy turns 34

Gotta wish my friend Scott a Happy Birthday, He is 34 on Sunday!! All the best mate.. Scott the Scott (Who has trouble snowboarding, boards like a backward girl) has been out here in Dubai about a year now and has just moved into his new appartment with Cath, his girlfriend. So congratulations on that front too. We went out to Bussola, a nice Italian restaurant at the Mina Seyahi last night, to celebrate - which was good fun. Scott can't really handle his drink and got a bit worse for wear, poor love... Muhahaha.

Anyhooo Happy Biffday ya greeet Jezzy <--- Scottish Accent

Sunday, November 05, 2006

That was October

Matt: Can't believe another month has come and gone. The winter months are closing in now - it's down to 25 Degrees here at night now - still mid 30's during the day!! Seem very strange to think of folks back home scraping ice off the cars in the morning!

Naomi and I have had a couple of visitors over the last week. Kath and Lesley - we had a really great time with them and got up to all sorts of mischief. The event of the week was the Halloween party we held at 911. Such a fun night and people made such a great effort in dressing up!! As you can see from the pictures below.

A whole host of spooks and freaks

 Naomi: Sexy Pirate Lass Moi: Grim Reaping

 Kath: Cruela Devvil
 Lesley and Fiona: Angel and Devil

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Eid Mubarak!

Eid ul-Fitr is a Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan! It's a national holiday and most people are given a few days off work. So I managed to get a 4 day weekend..GET IN!!!...

So in true Matt Wilson Styleee I made the most of it and relaxed for the whole time!! Well other than BBQing, Partying, Swimming, Gyming, Sailing, Day trips to Hatta and the usual stuff - Like Cinema, Ultimate, Socialising and shopping.. It was very quiet and relaxing *grin*

I hope the camping crew really enjoyed themselves, It was a shame that we all couldn't go - but there will be many more opportunities and soon I hope.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Now 73?

Matt: Eid - when will they announce it!! Don't they know I have plans to make??
Plans of camping with the crew, but it all depends on the new moon!! Damn I hope everyone has tomorrow off!!

Anyway, Bought me a new toy that will mean I will always have a semi decent camera on me at all times!! It's the new Nokia N73!! What does the N stand for?
So I should be able to blog even more mudane aspects of my life from now on, YAY!! I hear you cry! Watch out those around me, I'm always gonna have it! Muhahaha - photo-proof!!
Alessia chills in the Jacuzzi
Claudia & Alessia in the kiddies pool at The Waves
Car hunting with Fiona, looks like it might be anothe Pajero Purchase - Wa-hooo
"He's coming straight for us - sedate him!!!"

So I guess that show it works! They were all taken with the N73, be warned it also does movies, music, radio and you can even make phone call on it!! ;-)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fun Times - Weeks Out

Matt: A little saddle sore, but surprisingly not walking like John Wayne, I came away from Polo wanting more!! Luckily we have 9 weeks of intensive training before the season starts!! Must remember to avoid clubbing the horse! Boy can they run when they are in pain!!

The weekend came around rather quickly, but plans were in place for fun and games: Thursday night marked "A Boy's Night Out" - The guys got together and had fun primarily at Longs bar. It was a good night, but a few of the girl ended up in Longs too as it was the only place to go during Ramadan. We'll let them off! Just this once!

Friday we had an impromptu Bar-B at 911 - Which turned out to be lots of fun. Thanks for your hospitality 911 Team.

JQ and I decided to attempt a surf on Saturday morning, but the sea was like a mill-pond and although we were primarily thinking of this as a paddling exercise, when it's that flat you'd feel a complete burk waxing down the surfboard. So we chilled by the pool with Alessia, Claudia and Steve instead.

The evening bought an introduction to XMA - Extreme Martial Arts gym, it was good fun and good exercise. Ramie, Doina and I are going again tonight. Then Ultimate - although only 6 of us turned up, it was still a great session and really knackering. We even made things more interesting by playing left-handed for fun!!

Lets see what this week brings!!

View from Souk Madinat Jumeirah

The Mint with the Hole

Matt: What an eventful week, it was kick started last Monday with a "jolly good time" - The alarm sounded at 5:30am, my eyes refused to open without a fight, it was only just getting light and the sun had yet to breach the horizon!! "What the hell am I doing" rang through my mind as a struggled into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

The roads were pleasantly clear at this time in the morning as I made my way to the Arabian Ranches - There's a clue! - As I arrive at the clubhouse a few of my blurry eyed friends step from their respective vehicles - we were greeted by Fran, who is far too spritely for 6:00am and follow her through to where we suit up and await our lesson!!

We're each handed a hat, a club and a pair of half-chaps and then make our way onto the field. Balls are laid out before us and our mounts are being warmed up at the far end of the pitch!! Here we go then - Our first Polo Lesson begins!! Tally-Ho!!

Lining up for the Lesson

There are horses involved? you could have warned me!!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sandy Beach

Matt: We took to the road and drove to Fujierah over the weekend. We went to the Sandy Beach Hotel, went snorkeling around snoopy island and basically loafed on the beach. It was great - We swam all around the island (Snoopy Island: you work it out from the pics) which was teaming with aquatic life, large and small. I had an amazing experience too - snorkeling along over the coral a shark zipped past me on the sea bed.. It wasn't a massive one, I would guess about 150 cms and surprisingly I wasn't scared in the least. It was very elegant and moved so effortlessly through the water, completely ignoring me. I found this reference:

Blacktip reef shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus)

Black tip to second dorsal and lower caudal lobe anal and pectoral fins colour varies. Young less than 70 cm have unmarked fins. Inshore reefs, offshore structures. Opportunist predator, scavenger. Small, blacktip reef shark are found on coral reefs and around rocky headlands and islands. 200 cm.

Amazing. Sadly no-one else in the group saw it. I hunted around for it for a while, but never saw it again!!
Must start my Diving Lessons, I got a kick out the depths!!

Enjoy some pics taken by the lovely Fiona Piper.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

What a ride!!

And what a sore backside.. Naomi, Sami and I hooked up with the Dubai Hot Cog's team and hit the mountains out near Shawka on Friday. It was one hell of a ride..

The barren rocky landscape of teh Hatta mountains is a very challenging environment for pedal-power. We traversed gravel tracks, wadi bed's, rocky escarpments, boulder valleys, you name it!! Up and Downhill..

It was a long, hard 4 hours of rugged terrain in the searing heat. I had a few technical issueswith the bike, the chain came off a number of times and I got a flat. Luckily the flat was only a few Kilometres from the end so I ran and walked the bike back, by which time it was dark.

It was a very interesting and rewarding day all in. I might just do it again!!