Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Geek Call

Matt: My good friend Mr. Hortop, kindly pointed out to me that I will soon loose my much desired "geek" status if I carry on. Basically he suggested that our little adventure into Oman would have been made a lot easier by carrying a GPS device of some description, Hmm good point - but then it wouldn't have been so much fun!! Right??
Still, I thought I'd take a look at what GPS solutions I might be able to pick up out here - just as a backup plan you understand..


Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I have to agree with Ben. This sunshine and healthly living is going to get you kicked out from our Elite cadre of geeks.

Simple questions to resolve your status would be:

1. When did you last upgrade your PC just to play a new game?
2. What was the last electronic toy you bought which had no real purpose (mobiles don't count unless it's got a holographic, pouting, floosy in it or a Star Wars ringtone)?
3. Have you recently seen a babe in a bikini and thought "Princess Leia looked hotter"?
4. Have you used the following terms in a conversation with a 'norm': Noob, lol, frag, owned.
5. Hidden something geeky to appear more cool?

I think you should spend less time at the gym, play a few more 'puter games, buy a 8800 GTX and brag about it on this blog and make sure every entry has at least one LOLZ or derivative (excepting lollerskatz or similar crap).



Matt said...

Damn, this is becoming a serious issue!! LOL - I will endeavour to put in some quality Geek Time this year, although I did go round a friends to play on his new Wii the other day - that's gotta count for something! Even though it does sound a bit Homoerotic! Hmmmm... Must think before typing.

Anonymous said...

Gemini's are most likely to be bi-sexual I hear, so there won't be any surprises for us if your friends Wii felt good in your hands :p