Monday, October 05, 2009

Cooling off

Matt: Finally the weather is starting to cool down a little, it's gonna be adventure time very soon. I may have neglected to mention that I bought myself a Kayak eventually, been thinking about it for ages, convinced Lenny to get one too - the boys and their toys. We've got some good use out of them so far with a few trips to Abu Dhabi, in the around Dubai and the Mangroves around Um al Qwain too.

We bought touring Kayaks, so that we can stow gear in the front and read compartment and head off on multi-day tours. Really looking forward to being able to plan a few trips now the weather is cooler.

We've haven't been completely idle since the weathers been hot, there have been Dive trips, Wakeboarding and as I said Kayaking. But now it's time to get back in shape and start hiking, camping, dune bashing, kayaking, climbing and anything else we can think of doing. Might even try a few runs (I hate running)..I'm sure Kelly will whip my ass into shape with the running thing, she's like a machine when it comes to running. Kick my ass every time.

I have also decided to start drawing and painting more - it's been so long since I've done anything and I never was much good to start with. I present exhibit A: This was done completely digitally in photoshop, from sketch to painting. I know it's not great, the eyes are all wrong and the dimension of the anatomy a bit off, but it's a start. I need serious practice. It was mostly a study for technique - ho hum.

Exhibit A

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