Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Christmas Past

Matt: The financial ghost of Christmas past still haunt me. This Christmas just gone was different, in a very good way (if not a little costly). My entire family, the Wilson Clan and their spouses and children flew to Dubai to spend Christmas with their number one son, Me.

What an awesome Christmas and one I know I will not forget in a hurry and I hope the same goes for the family. We got up to all the touristy delights that Dubai has to offer. From playing in the snow in Ski Dubai, to a luxurious visit to the Burj Al Arab.

Enjoy the pics: Click Me

Having to show people, especially loved one, your surroundings and the joys of where you live certainly make you see things with fresh eyes again. We often take so many things for granted - look what is just outside you door and think when was the last time you really appreciated it? Having the family here reminded me how diverse and interesting Dubai actually is, it's too easy to criticise Dubai for many things, but look at all the different nationalities that you encounter living in peace and relative safety, daily. Have you ever been to a music concert and looked across the crowd here in Dubai? It's a sea of multi-national harmony (Pardon the pun), you're stood shoulder-to-shoulder with people from every walk of life and every nationality, all there to enjoy a shared appreciation of music and peacefully.

Look around you and appreciate what you have, be it people, environment, luxuries, health.. really be grateful and make the most of it - just for one day stop wanting the next best thing and look at what you've already got - you're rich if you actually take a minute to stop and think about it.

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