Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Oh now that has gotta hurt

Matt: It's now official, I am the IT Manager for one of our companies, great news. This could lead to quite a few opportunities in the future. Manager? all sounds a bit serious doesn't it? Well it's not - it's just a title, I'll still be the one plugging cables in and clearing paper jams!! but it's pretty exciting and it seems like I'll be working within a good team!

You know I said before that I was still in one piece after snowboarding, well I am kinda - but I did have a breif visit to the hospital to ensure that I hadn't broken my shoulder!! ouch!! had a pretty nasty fall just the other day which renedered my right arm pretty useless as it was so painful to move! Nothing was broken so that's all good! Slowly feels like it's getting less uncomfortable now, so I'm hoping to be back on the slopes next week!! Also chucking a frisbee has become tricky too!!

Good news: My camera has been repaired! Yey!! Now I just have to get it back from England? Anyone fancy flying it over for me??

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