Sunday, August 06, 2006

Just go ahead and jump...

Matt: My beautiful housemate, Naomi, in her infinite wisdom and thirst for life experience, decided that for her birthday she'd like to throw herself out of a plane!! Naomi roped a few of us in to do it with her..
Arrhhhhhhhggggg - Why did I say yes??

Why? Because it's amazing..

A daredevil troop of 5 of us, Jumping Jo Raybould, Free-falling Fiona McDougall, Mad for It Maria Crellin, No Fear Naomi Moore and myself, crammed into Maria's Prado and took flight (literally) from Dubai and drove to Um Al Quain.
The tension was pretty high as we chewed up the kilometers of road before us, the sign for 35km came into sight and the car went silent, as all our thoughts turned inwards, one and all questioning the decisions we'd made weeks before when Naomi casually asked if we'd like to do a Tandem Sky Dive.

The dusty Um Al Quain Airfield eventually came into sight, nervous laughter and silly jokes abound. After completing the insurance waiver, that mentioned "chance of death" far too many times for my liking, we were guided across the tarmac to the hangar and packing room, where our brief training commenced.

We were then taken up in a small prop-plane one-by-one to jump from 10,000 feet, 6,000 of which was in freefall. What an amazing experience!! I highly recommend it. The sheer thrill of hanging out of an open door on a small plane when the ground below you seems like looking at ordinance survey map, with the wind racing past you is enough of a rush for anyone, but then tipping yourself over the edge and falling into the void kicks your adrenalin to an incredible level!! At over 200 km per hour, you start to appreciate speed, 6000 feet in about 30 secs..WOW!!!
enjoy the pics..
Fiona practices freefall...

Naomi all geared up and ready to go, Our first Victim - Well she was the birthday girl

Yes it's time, Yes you have to get in the plane

She did it..

Jo, so brave!!! Nice suit too

Maria's turn

Our taxi to the sky

Awaiting my turn.. I was voted to go last.. GREAT!!! NOT!

Decided against the clown outfit.Getting strapped up!

Walking the line

I did it!!! It was incredible - such a rush...

Thanks to our support team: Christian, Ben, Andy and Leanne who came with supplies and cake for the Birthday Girl. Also thanks to all those who met us at Apres for a great meal after the Sky Diving - it was really appreciated and great to know we have such a good crowd of friends.

Happy Birthday Naomi - That's one not to be forgotten, Loads of Love Always.

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