Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New Blood

Matt: Whilst still planning to return to Ras Ak Khaimah to find out where the '60 Metres of Rope' Hike went wrong, I took some new hikers a little closer to home on a nice climb this weekend. JQ, Lucy and Steve joined me to explore what Jebel Sumayni had to offer (Jebel = Mountain).

It only took an hour to get to the start of the hike and we basically carved our own path to see if we could reach the summit - again the instructions we had were too vague. We had a great hike though - Although I'm starting to think that 'hike' just isn't the right terminology for the terrain we are actually encountering - Adventure Trekking - that sounds more like it!

We never made it to the intended summit, but we followed an exciting cyclic route which took us 6 hour, with scrambling up steep scree slopes and bouldering over ginormous boulders on the way down the wadi.

Well done crew, see you all on the next hike.

Some pics...

On the way up!

Our Summit: When you reach places like this, you really do wonder if anyone has ever set foot here before: When are you giving Sharapova her hat back Steve?JQ and Lucy attempt the steep descent on the opposite side of the summit

In the bowl between the summits at the base of a huge col there was life!!

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