Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Return to his mountain domain

Matt: Having had many foiled attempts to return to Ras Al Khaimah and Wadi Bih to re-try the Jungle Book Hike (60 Metres of Rope Hike) for a multitude of reasons, I have finally managed to get back to the area this past weekend - this was a recon mission and camping trip - not a hike though.

We found a good spot to camp off the mountain track, over rugged rocks the ru... yeah I won't go on. Suffice to say the terrain was rocky. We pitched the tent with an amazing view of the surrounding mountain's - We could even see the point we reached on the original hike - miles away over a few deep gorges.

We did have a slightly scary moment up in the mountains camping though, it was late, Cris and I were sat by the fire chatting and listening to music, pitch black all around and nothing for miles.. When we heard a strange noise across the fire from us.. we switched the music off and I called out to see if someone was approaching, no response, but we could hear movement - I grabbed the torch and stepped out of the fire light so I could see better, Cris stayed close by the fire. I shone the torch around and there, a little way off into the rocks was a pair of glowing green eyes staring back at me.. then another pair and another.. there must have been 6 to 8 dark shapes with glowing eyes out there - I could make out movement, as we watched them move it became clear that they weren't goats as we thought they may have been - but wild dogs or Arabian wolves of some kind.. they moved on, skirting around our camp and passed on by slowly - We still don't' actually know what they were for sure but they never came back to investigate what food we had - thankfully.

Apart from this it was a lovely weekend trip.

The High Point: Our Campsite with an amazing view

Cris making a nice cup of tea.

The trusty Paj, enjoying the sunset

No need for words...

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