Sunday, July 16, 2006

Share the knowledge

As I'm sure lots of you have been to see United 93, the film about the 911 flight that allegedly didn't reach its intended target, I thought I'd put this out there for you! Loose Change is a conspiracy theory documentary, about 911. It raises a lot of questions and is well worth watching. I'm not saying you should believe everything they are saying, but I am saying have an open mind and question some of the details about this tragedy that we are fed. Too much evidence is controlled. Just watch and question it all.

Another very interesting documentary for you to see in "Invisible Children" it is a brilliantly film documentary by 3 US college kids, who went to the Sudan with no plan but they wanted to find a story in this war torn region, boy did they find one! Why we, the public, never hear of these things happening in our world amazes me. We think we are an informed civilisation but all we really know is what the media let us know. So much more is happening beyond media coverage!! The civilian death toll of the Sudanese Civil war is one of the highest of any war since 1945. We are talking over 2 million lives and 4 million who have fled their homes. Yet how many of us even know details of this conflict? Just check the website, if you want a copy of the DVD let me know and I will get one to you!!
Even letting others know, is doing something to help..

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